Thursday 18 September 2014

What is Search Engine Optimization

SEO is short for search engine optimization.  As the term implies, SEO is all about optimizing a website to gain maximum visibility within the search engine results. As we will see, Search Engine Optimization takes time and effort. Do not be fooled by e-mails turning up unannounced in your inbox, promising instant SEO results
Once you have realized the need for decent Search Engine Optimization on your website you should approach the issue seriously. We see many clients who have dabbled with SEO, maybe using information they have gleamed from YouTube and other sources but the trouble is a lot of information on YouTube is either completely wrong or out of date and some of the advice can actually harm the position of your website within the search engines. Increasingly people use Google to search for products or services rather than traditional sources such as Yellow Pages. I cannot even remember the last time I looked at Yellow Pages. So if you want to get more customers the obvious way to do it is by getting your website found easily in Google.
A lot of companies offering search engine optimization services will try and blind you with science and tell you that it is highly technical and should only be attempted by people with years of experience and what’s more they know the secrets that nobody else know.  If a company tells you they have a secret recipe for getting you onto the first page of Google they are peddling complete nonsense.
It is important to realize the limitations of search engine optimization techniques. There are a lot of companies sending out Spam emails which you will probably have received offering to get you onto the first page of Google by this time next week. This is patiently rubbish.  Good SEO takes effort and good SEO takes time. The timescale for seeing benefits from careful search engine optimization of your website is weeks and months rather than days.
There are many companies out there who will offer to sell you the secrets of SEO. The real secret is that there is no secret. Good Search Engine Optimization is a combination of common sense, solid technical knowledge and careful attention to detail.
So Please Don't be fooled!

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